Tryouts – Day 2

Excellent job again, Jags! It was great to see everyone putting forth such good effort in our activities. I know that it’s hot right now, and the turf/track doesn’t help cool things off. You’re doing a great job with communicating your needs. Keep that up – if you need a break, nothing wrong with asking for it. I’d prefer to not have kids get sick and suffer from heat related illness.

Reminder that tomorrow is going to look a bit different. We’re going to have a large set of players in the AM session as part of Group B. Any player listed in Group A does not have to attend the AM session. Following the AM session, the coaches will invite about 18 players to join Group A in the PM session.

The players in the Group A player pool will most likely make up the Varsity/JV rosters. Additional players from Group B could be invited to join the JV roster depending on how things finish up in the afternoon session.

The AM session will be predominately scrimmages. We’ll play a lot of 9v9 on 1/2 field and will rotate players in and out regularly so everyone gets a chance to show us what you can do.

If your name is not on the list for Group A, YOU NEED TO COME TO THE AM SESSION AS A PART OF GROUP B.

Group A
Alex L S.
Caleb B.
Gilberto O.
Connor S.
Sean C.
Theron H.
Logan M.
Alan P C.
Yael T D.
Thomas S.
Winston L.
Abdullah M.
Michael M.
Wilson S.
Santi Y A.
Henry J O.
Titus W.
Edlphils J.

As usual, email me at if you have questions. See you tomorrow!